Sounds as if the Sport Nationals weekend was fantastic at NDYC.
Thorpe Bay YC have certainly been set a challenge for the Nationals in August, but one we are going to rise to! Howard Hawkes, Chris Maloney, Andrew Hannah, myself and all of the 24 strong Sprint 15 fleet are going to do everything we can to continue that spirit and offer our visitors a very warm welcome, and good sailing.
We have two bar areas, also 3 steps from a large balcony overlooking the sea, and the beer and wine are good and cheap. Our mens toilets and showers were new this year and, of course, are open to the campers, in a grass area next to the boat park.
The racing will be in a large area of the estuary opposite the club, east of Southend pier. Families can watch from the club or beach.
Between the eating, drinking, go karting, fun sailing etc we hope to get a bit of competitive racing going!
Looking forward to seeing everyone, and well done NDYC!
Duncan Ford TBYC 1973