Hi Chris,
You seem to have got your entry on 1335 in a strage place. No doubt webmaster Martin will fix it when he sees it.
At Seasalter you observed that your boat 1335 was in the 1989 Nationals picture of our current magazine. I could not remember who owned it. Well it was Ian Holt crewed by A Moore in that shot and they were 5th in that Nationals. I think he was a journalist for Y&Y and he had loaned the boat from the Laser Centre. I bet Nick will remember........
Incidently at that Nationals there was 4 2-up boats in the top 6 places, including the winner. I don't think that that has ever happened before or since. Incidently 8 of the 43 entry still have Sprint 15s - not bad retention after 20 years.