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My traveller started to fall to bits on Sunday.
Luckily I retreived all the bits.
The problem is isolated to just one self tapping screw.. that goes through black plastic roller on the traveller D 40168.. which doesnt secure to the plate due to excess wear. Basically I'm looking for a slighter wider gauge screw same length. Alot cheaper than a whole new traveller.
Any suggestions where I might find one would be welcome.
Many thanks
John Keyte.
Are you sure it is a self-tapping screw? I think most of the traveller screws are stainless steel machine screws that thread into tapped threaded holes in the aluminium alloy - see Catparts 02111. As ever, the electrolytic action corrodes the aluminium alloy rather than the stainless steel so the thread in the alloy vanishes (and a bit more as well).
You might consider cleaning up the oversize hole, filling it with something like Chemical Metal or Araldite with some DIY filler added, and then drilling a hole and tapping it for your existing screw. This will work out cheap and effective if you happen to have the necessary materials and tools - or know someone who does. If you have everything but the right size tap, I'd consider drilling through the filler at the diameter you'd need for using the right size tap and see if your existing screw will tap through the "filling".
Otherwise, your idea of a very slightly larger stainless steel self tapping screw will probably work if it fits through the traveller line guide stainless steel tube.
A call to Steve Sawford may help you source what you need reasonably locally.
Hi, The situation can be a bit more complicated in that there should be a s/s bush that the machine screw goes through , for wear reasons.
Whilst there are a number of modifications you can try , in 99% of cases you do not need to buy a new traveller just a replacement plate which you can rivet into place . See item 02027 on the Windsport Sprint15 replacement parts website pages
Hope that helps.
Windsport Sprint 15 class replacement parts and technical support