Rob Boswijk wrote:
Hi folks. Just thought I'd touch base. Haven't spoken to ya'll for a while. With me it's all fine - last sailing I did was in the Bay of Siam (Thailand) on one of those dratted Hobie 16's - they can never get the rudder's aligned so severe weather helm. Mind you, in an offshore F6 2 up - was exhilirating and was free from the Hotel too so just carried on into the sunset (as it were). It was good to know I could still manage the "cat". I was just in racing mode all the time. Best bit was that I had to negotiate a channel through the coral reef. With the wind blowing almost straight ahead, that presented a challenge - all the folks on shore were impressed "where u learn that ?" they asked, well, just aske members of the D15 assn I said.
Hope ur'e all ok, and would love to hear from you at any time. Now that I am on 4 legs - horses, its a starnge but interesting world. When you fall off, it is much the same as a capsize. Jumping hedges and fences cross country is as shit hot as racking round Rutland in a F7 on trapeze.
Rob Boswijk.