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Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:48 pm
by Bob Carter
Robert wrote:
ray.gall wrote:Hey Gordon me old mucker, How are you?
I suspect Gordon may have to pull the "Holiday" card to avoid discussing this matter. :wink:
Surely not! I seem to remember he did this last year. I reckon it's time he showed Sally who is the Boss :D :D :D :D
PS On another topic, while I was away I saw the James Bond film "A View to a Kill" and the context of you article in the last NewSprint fell into place. You were absolutely right, total rubbish, but how did you remember all those details about a 1985 film? I reckon that you are trying for the award for the most obscure introduction to an article. Sadly, I reckon that you are only runner-up. The prize for a totally obscure article must go to (who else) chairman Nick for his article in the Spring 2009 edition, in which he rattled on about Alphas, Epsilons, Epsilon Minus, Beta, Gammas, Deltas, etc as types of sailors. In Nick's article it was not just the introduction but the whole article - and there was no mention of the source of his metaphors. Just how many of our fleet do you reckon are well up on the writings of Aldous Huxley?
So I reckon Nick takes the biscuit. Never mind, nice try. :D :D

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:21 pm
by Phil 1756
ray.gall wrote:
Hey Gordon me old mucker, How are you?
I was wondering, if you were going to get Sally to clean & dust off your harness so that you could show off your trapezing prowess at Instow?
It’s been a couple of years now since George Love & I last saw you in action trying to get out on the trapeze at Instow, were over-due for a rib splitting laugh
If you ask George Love nicely, I believe he has an excellent trapezing training video taken on the beach at Instow last year, hasn’t he Phil
.the youtube version is only a tantalizing clip. the full version will be shown in the clubhouse on a continuous loop via a 52" plasma TV in full 3D with surround sound. - just incase anyone has missed it!

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:48 pm
by George Stephen
Hi Ray,

"ray.gall wrote:
Hey Gordon me old mucker, How are you?
I was wondering, if you were going to get Sally to clean & dust off your harness so that you could show off your trapezing prowess at Instow?
It’s been a couple of years now since George Love & I last saw you in action trying to get out on the trapeze at Instow, were over-due for a rib splitting laugh
If you ask George Love nicely, I believe he has an excellent trapezing training video taken on the beach at Instow last year, hasn’t he Phil

I think your memory has sadly drifted into a forgettory.

It's been 4 years (2008) since Gordon last sailed in the Sport Nationals, and guess who he beat - Ray Gall and club mate George Love.......
His previous appearance was in 2006 when, guess what, he beat Ray Gall and George Love by a clear 12 places.......

Clearly his trapezing is rather more effective than your taunts suggest.... and he who laughs last.....

As Gordon is too much the gentleman to indulge in self-congratulation, I thought I'd leap to his defence.

I don't yet know if I will make it to Instow this year, but I still hope to.

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:52 pm
by Robert
. . . - sounds a bit like Gordon's not coming to show us his prowess. Will there be any protagonist from QM if George can't make it?

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 3:38 pm
by Charles
I'm in, see you there !

I'm hoping for either no wind (so I'm not disadvantaged by my lack of trapeze practice) or true grit survival conditions... and that's just in the bar!! :D

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:08 pm
by Mark Aldridge
Look forward to seeing you @ Instow Charles..

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 4:14 pm
by Robert
pegums wrote:yep me too, looking forward to it even with the out of control flappy thing on the front...... 8)
Where's Stewart? I was hoping to see his flappy jib!

Re: Instow 2012 - Results ONLINE

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 4:44 pm
by George Stephen
If you want to know who's hot and who's not the following link gets you the results after 5 races, with one to go tomorrow : ... pX3c&gid=6

If this link does not update tomorrow to include the results of race 6, then try : ... pX3c&gid=4
and then click on the Race Summary tab on the spreadsheet.

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:28 am
by Keith
how many of our fleet do you reckon are well up on the writings of Aldous Huxley?
More than you might think :D - Nick nicked the idea from Huxley and Huxley nicked the idea from Shakespeare (Tempest "o brave new world that has such people in it" to which the answer was "tis new to thee" :!:

I like following Nicks writing - if only out of a sense of curiosity as to where its going :wink:

Nick has consistently conspired to blame everyone else for the success of the best catamaran in the world, and Bob is certainly in the frame, - but "the lady doth protest to much, methinks."

Keith 1840

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 2:58 pm
by Bob Carter
Keith wrote:
how many of our fleet do you reckon are well up on the writings of Aldous Huxley?
More than you might think :D - Nick nicked the idea from Huxley and Huxley nicked the idea from Shakespeare (Tempest "o brave new world that has such people in it" to which the answer was "tis new to thee" :!:
Keith 1840
So that makes 3 - unless someone knows different :wink:
PS I'm impressed by your knowledge - I reckon that you must be in the frame for another article or 3! George, are you paying attention? :D :D :D

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 3:02 pm
by Bob Carter
So it looks like the Flying Dutchman was the clear winner from Steve Sawford and Charles Watson.
Well done Kevin. :D :D
PS Thanks go to George Stephen for posting the link.
PPS It also looks like you were right about Golden B**** - Gordon - who must be sunning himself in some less wet spot than the UK :wink: ... pX3c&gid=6

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:49 am
by Robert
Had a fantastic time. Another great Sport Nationals at Instow. :D

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 8:58 am
by Mark Aldridge
These need to be re-issued without the redress claim.

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:24 am
by Liam
Mark Aldridge wrote:These need to be re-issued without the redress claim.
They are up there now. Positions are the same though. ... pX3c&gid=8

Re: Instow 2012

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:26 pm
by Phil 1756
Fantastic weekend. The weather was perfect and the sailing brilliant.

Does anyone have the contact details of the gentleman selling the photo's, or an idea of how i can get a copy of the 700 pics?
