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Jib on old Dart 15 [Tony]

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2002 7:24 pm
by Archive
Tony wrote:

My Dart 15 came with a jib but I have never rigged it.It seems like an old version (non furling).I have the blocks for the jib sheets and a small block/pulley but cant see how or where it fits.
The boat no is 133 , any help??

Jib & Roger the Dodger [Bob]

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2002 11:38 pm
by Archive
Bob replied:

Hi Tony,
You have a very famous boat there. Roger (the Dodger) or "Hodge" won the Nationals Championship twice in that boat until he got beaten by Linda Moss in 1989.

None of the old Sparks had jibs. The jib became standard at sail number 1200. You need to look at a post 1200 boat to see what you have got missing. You need fairlead tracks amongst other things.
There is a list of parts required for these fittings on this chat page. Do a search for "tracks".
You will need all the furling gear as well - you should get details of this from the Laser Centre. They used to sell a kit of parts to convert a Spark with. I did a conversion of spark #525 some years ago.