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Thank You Seasalter

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:11 pm
by alex955
A superb weekend, Thanks to everyone at seasalter and the Sprint 15 Association for the venue and organisation :lol:
Fantastic sailing conditions on Saturday, and a lovely spread on Saturday night :wink:
Sunburn to take back to work, a daughter that won't stop talking about how the tent leaked on mummy's side, and myself having made some progress since Gurnard.

Bring on the Nationals! :P

Seasalter TT

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:20 pm
by Martin Searle

I have entered the results of the Sesalter TT into the events system and the series results are now reflecting the state of play after 4 events.

Report too follow with pictures when its been written etc.

I'm glad the weather was sunny for most of the day after such a thundery start on Sunday (and end its just started another thunder storm Now). Certainly at my salsa dance on Saturday night I was having to explain why I had such a red face! from all the sunburn. The wind was doing a lovely impression of Arthur Daley, ie shifty :?

Anyway thanks to all the travellers who made some quite long trips and Bob Carter made a special appearance on Sunday to watch and chat.

Martin Searle

Seasalter Photos etc.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:39 pm
by Steve Willis
Dean Abra (1784) from IOSSC was unable to sail the event but came over on the Saturday and took some photographs which he is sending to us on a CD in the post. Thanks Dean.

I will collate all the photos and give them to Martin to post on the site as soon as possible.

Thanks also to all the travellers who came to the event and made it a great weekend for us at SSC. A Post event meeting in the bar decided you are the best group of fellow sailors we have had since the Sprint 15 Training weekend.

Sunday's racing was the complete opposite to Saturday - but wasn't the post race breeze excellent for reaching!!

Good sailing and good company, what more can we ask.

Sorry about the early morning alarm call on Sunday for the campers - rolling thunder and torrential rain but at least the sunblock was essential for the rest of the day.

Best wishes to all

Steve and Joan (756 & 842)

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:40 pm
by Andrew Hannah
It sounds as if you had a good weekend, at Seasalter. I have to admit it's one of my favourite venues. Seasalter is one of those bit-out-of-the-way kind of places, which is its attraction. It is completely unlike chi-chi Whitstable. I love the sound of the sheep in the meadows surrounding Seasalter.

No doubt Elliott Fougman and John Long will tell us all about their time, next weekend.

If you remember Steve, we also had lashing rain overnight at the teach-in last year. Someone kindly locked the gate into the camping area. And climbing over the slippery gate during the rainstorm was not very easy. It was made worse because we were all a bit tiddly, which added to the fun!

The five Thorpe Bay punters who went to your teach-in, still talk of the wonderful time you gave us.


Sheep fun

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:58 pm
by Steve Willis
Thanks Andrew for your kind comments.

We had two escapee sheep in the field all weekend, they had got to the wrong side of the fence and kept popping up amongst the boats. No one mentioned them trying to get in their tents though...................

We had a thunderstorm after we got home that did not produce much rain but the sheet lightning and long drawn out rumblings right from one side of the sky to the other I have only experienced in Greece and the US northern states before not in the UK. It went on for a long time.

I hope St. Swithins will not strike - does it help that my wife is Welsh?

Best wishes

Steve & Joan

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:08 pm
by alex955
There were indeed a couple of sheep roaming around the boatpark / campsite in the early hours of Saturday morning - thankfully the missus brought my wellington boots for the weekend...... got to get the practice in for the Nationals! :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:29 am
by cedric
I would also like to add my thanks both to seasalter for a very enjoyable well organised event and to the Sprint 15 people generally for all the help they continue to give a newbe.
Hoping to do the Round Sheppey race in Sept so will wave as I go by ( I will be the one swimming by!)

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:53 am
by Kevin Dutch
Hi cedric. I'm glad you had a great time at seasalter and to all the other travellers that made it. Its good to hear that you will be doing the round the isle of sheppy race, its a really good race to do and i had a fantastic time doing it last year. I will be doing it again this september so i shall see you there.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:27 am
by Steven Tunnacliffe
I'd like to add my thanks to all at seasalters for a great weekend and good company, Ben and my self will come back for another TT any time (not a winter one) dont fancy a tent in december.

Traveling home took just 5 hours and 12 mins. work out average yourself as I admit to nothing.

Ben slept all the way so I didnt have to listen to non-stop chatter about being beaten by my son, he hasnt stopped since though.

See you all at Saundersfoot

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:30 pm
by Steven Tunnacliffe
I'd also like to give special thanks to Nick Dewhurst for the loan of his boat for the weekend which enabled my son Ben to compete.

And to our good friend Kevin Dutch who brought the boat to the event and delivered it back to Nick for us.

Thank you Both
from Steve & Ben