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Draycote open 12th January - be there!

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:10 pm
by pmslater
Hello all,
Yes this will be the Catamaran event of the year and everybody has been down at the club today race tuning and generally bimbling with their boats in the vain hope that this will improve their performance!
Needless to say the Draycote Sprint 15ers are generally hyped up and feeling ultra competitive - there should be a minimum of 7 home boats turning out so please make the effort to come down and join the fun.
Yes I know its a long range forecast but the weather is also looking very favourable!
Pete Slater. Draycote Cat Fleet Captain


Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:45 pm
by Charles

I'm planning to be there & I spoke to Steve Sawford today, who is also intending to attend. He did say there have even been rumours of Mr Snell dusting his boat down !

Hope it's a bit warmer, but just as windy as last time!!


Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:55 pm
by alex955
Hear Hear! - for conditions warmer and windier!
Those of us fool hardy enough to travel all the way to Derby before discovering thier hands couldn't cope with sleet, have been blessed with a very understanding Santa.....

Crash Bang

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:07 pm
by Robert
I'm in!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:14 pm
by Erling
My boats ready to go on the roof so I will be there.
Someone is paying me to sink Steve or at least slow him at the start to give the rest a chance.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:14 pm
by Steve Sawford
Its true I will be there.
No need to brake my boat I am willing to come last for a 24 tins of quality beer :lol:


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:09 am
by Charles
Steve, I note you have updated your sign off. Are you trying to make a point that you're still one of the young ones who can remember his age & not just what he had for breakfast on his wedding day (in 1962)?? :lol:

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:14 am
by Charles
Anyway Peter, who's fixing the weather in favour of those who don't like mince pies &/or had the winter vomiting virus?? Let's hope the weather systems change speed soon!!


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:09 am
by Robert
The new WRF 9km forecast on Windguru looks hopeful, predicting 14kts, gusting 17kts, but it's out of agreement with all the others unfortunately.

Perhaps we could encourage Peter to blow a bit harder? If it's going to drop, however, can we have 5kts please?

:wink: Robert

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:30 pm
by Graham Collett
Firstly, I really enjoyed the racing Saturday my first time out in an open meet with the Sprint 15's having only got the boat in August.

Secondly a Sprint 15 tiller extension less the end of the UJ was handed to me yesterday when I was on OD duty at Draycote (standard aluminium laser type). Jan reckons it may be from geriactrix (or some other spelling). I have it at my house in Rugby if the owner wishes to contact me and we can somehow arrange a reconcillation!!

Graham Collett
Sprint 1941

Unsinkable tiller extension

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:24 pm
by Robert
Thanks for the detective work Graham. I am the guilty party and Jan is quite right. The UJ failed at the windward mark during the second race. I was well placed and about to go behind two boats at the mark who had just about tacked in front of me when the thing came off in my hand. Due to the pressing need to avoid a damaging collision I dropped it and dived for the tiller bar with both hands to bear away sharply. Fortunately I had already uncleated the mainsheet in anticipation of needing to duck behind.

My next trick was to sail round in circles looking for the blasted thing, which was a bit of a waste of time as the rest of the fleet decided not to join in the search and sailed straight past me. Resisting the temptation to sail for shore and get an early start to packing up the boat I followed everyone else, steering with my foot.

I must practise this technique because I achieved a better result than I had in the first race, although I did have to stare hard at Gordon Goldstone who voiced his right for water at the finishing mark. The line was angled such that if I gave him more than he needed he could have overtaken me. Sorry Gordon.

If you are able to pass the extension to John Stone, perhaps he might be able to pass it to Robert England the younger at work and it will eventually find its way back to me. Alternatively if anyone is in need at Draycote they can have it as I have ordered a replacement.


Robert the older.