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Team Shanklin get trained

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:36 am
by Bob Carter
I hear that Team Shanklin are getting trained this weekend by Brian Phipps. They are evidently keen to improve for the forthcoming 30th Nationals.
Let us know how it went guys. Was it good?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:53 am
by Erling
It was terrible. Only members that had not won two cups last year could do the training as hoped by this to stop to mutch knowledge being past to each other so I could still win the odd pot and then Brian wrecks my plan by teaching them the things it took me 50 years to learn. I don't think I am going to enjoy the start line this week as after the weekend training for the lucky 14 I think I will be looking at too many transoms.

Training Weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:44 pm
by Chris
At least Ervin now knows how to ride shotgun in the safety boat, :twisted: and teach how to get capsized boats upright. I know I am still deaf in the right ear, and I was next to the engine.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:14 pm
by stuart pierce
Had 2 great days sailing and training in near perfect conditions in shanklin bay 4-5 sat 3-4 sun the instruction was very good with video evidence of any cock ups we did have one sailor who played to the camera all weekend but we soon put Brian in the picture on how he sails without the camera.
The only downside to the fantastic weekend was that my son was ahead of me in the 2 races at the end of the weekend and Brian told him all the things he needed to get his dad to buy him to make his boat even faster.

Shanklin's Training weekend

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:46 am
by Andrew Cav
Firstly, I would like to thank Brian for a great weekend of training.
I don’t think I’ve ever tacked and gibed so many times and in formation too (well some people were). Brian has a masterly way of getting points across to both expert and novice alike. I think that everyone took away something positive regardless of their level.
Personally I would like to see it as an annual event at Shanklin.

Thanks to all at the club that made it possible.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:50 pm
by BobBaker
Team Shanklin had a masterclass in boat handling, mark rounding and start line tactics. Brian Phipps kept the information at a level we could all understand and achieve in the weeks ahead. Erlings little secrets are now common knowledge!! Recommend Brian to any club wishing to upgrade their sailing skills, and he can teach a vast amount to any skill level of sailor. Erling kindly lent me his boat for the weekend so my son could use mine, and trying to keep in a line, 1 boat length apart with all the other sprint 15's behind Brian in a rib and not hit another boat or not be hit in a force 5/6 was a bottom twitcher!!
Team Shanklin have not organised synchronised dancing lessons yet, but we still expect to win the Sat night disco comp.

Training weekend

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:37 am
by Ian Bolton
Great weekend learnt alot of new skills . Suffered aches and pains after the event !!!!!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:45 pm
by Bob Carter
I'm just refreshing this link to remind Andrew Hannah about it (see the next item down)
Bob :wink: