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Broken batens

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:27 pm
by grahamcollett
Now that Laser have stopped stocking battens is there a supplier in the midlands at all? P&P on these is not cheap and Laser was local to me.

:cry: :cry: :cry:


Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:21 pm
by Andrew Hannah
Hello Graham,

It is important that items you buy for your boat are class-legal. I once bought a set of fibrefoam battens from a non-recognised supplier, later to find they weren't class-legal.

There has been some recent debate on battens and Brian Phipps of Windsport will advise what to buy. Windsport, the recognised supplier, is in Cornwall making it impractical for most of us to collect items. Post is cheaper.

access to battens

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:55 pm
by Brian Phipps
Hi Graham , Windsport appreciate the value of access to class legal replacement parts and of course the sailors in the area close to the supplier are naturally very happy they have the main supplier on their dooor step, as shown by the number of emails we have recieved from those in Cornwall and Devon who found Northampton a bit too far to travel. We cannot be every where but we can look for solutions. With a number of clubs / groups of sailors they have worked together and do bulk orders that cut down individual shipping costs and benifits all. May be the suggestion of a 1st week in in each month opportunity to add to the club order would work for the sailors at your club. We are also very happy for sailors to order individually, pay on-line adding a note to ship their order with other club members orders, I am sure we can put a system in place to help make that work.

We plan in 2009 to also work with the class association to support the sailors with a stock of class legal replacement parts that the class manage and hold which will be avalible at open meetings and other events so sailors have the support that keep them on the water. Windsport will still activly attend as many events as practical, but we are working with the class to give the sailors the best practical service avalible.
All the best
Brian Windsport

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:56 pm
by George Love
Hi Graham,
I know that Brian Phipps had a delivery of new stock last Friday. I believe that only Windsport can supply the class legal battens. However, as you may know, the Assoc. currently have sets of alternative battens on test due to quality problems being experienced with the present class legal ones. If they prove succesful, the Assoc. may vote to have them adopted as class legal but this may be some months away. In the meantime, I would go with Andrew's advice.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:45 am
by grahamcollett

Are you coming to the traveller at Graffham this weekend. If so you could drop some battens for me with one of the Draycote boys and save me the P&P.

If you could let me know I can pay for the parts in advance.

My telephone number is 0776 255 8215.


Ref grafham

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:20 pm
by Brian Phipps
Hi Graham, unfortunatly I will not be at the Grafham open, so not able to help you this time around.
We have plans with the class to cover this situation in the future so work in progress, in the mean time , if there are any other sailors from your club / area that need some kit may be make a group order and make a saving for everyone on shipping.
Have some great sailing this weekend, the weather and wind down here at Windsport has just been the business , head cams on and some great sailing!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:48 pm
by Andrew Hannah
I have a question on broken battens.

Is it true that if you break one of the long battens, the pieces should not be used to make a smaller batten? Someone told me the tapering doesn't work properly. Is this correct?


Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:10 pm
by George Love
Hi Andrew,
Whilst I would also be interested to learn the definitive answer to your question, have you checked out Bob's tips for repairing a broken batten. It's in the 'tips' section on the home page.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:12 pm
by George Love
P.S. Andrew,
As you can see I can now use the emoticons :wink: Thank you.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:31 pm
by Robert
Well done George - Ya's comin' on jes' fahn. :mrgreen:

Foam Battens

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:17 pm
by Graham Collett
What happened to the results of the foam batten test. Having once again spent over £100 on battens it would be nice to have a direction on whether the foam battens are to become class legal.I see Steve Sawford is still selling them with a note stating they are not class legal.


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:16 pm
by Bob Carter
Hi Graham,
Sadly, we are still testing them. It has been very slow I know but since Windsport & Ian Fraser took back the Dart 18 from the Laser Centre they have been having a serious go at getting the fibreglass ones back to specifications. It is their preferred route and they are much better.
Having said that I have had sporadic goes at getting the Fibrefoam ones properly tested. In the spirit on "Name and Shame"
The culprits for most of the delay are:

Richard Philpott :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Thomas Sandals :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Frank Sandells :oops: :oops:
Chris Black :oops: :oops:

They are Grafham sailors. If I was still able to sail we would have gobbled it up in a couple of months.
Sorry about that

Shamed to name...

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:00 am
Hi Bob,

I've been far too busy learning to use emoticons..... :arrow: :idea: :?: :!: :cry: :shock: :? :) .......

But firstly I must defend my Grafham compatriots. Chris Black carried out a thorough test last year and even produced a report with photos! Both Frank and Mark Aldridge have also tested and we know how much Mark liked them.

Thomas and I hold our hands up as laggards, when he does not have a capsize injured knee our lives are too busy to even co-ordinate a beer. Perhaps you can send a note to Mrs P for me making it quite clear that you have higher authority..... :evil:

Now, wearing my scientist hat :shock: I have to say that with so many variables I doubt that we will achieve anything better than "best gut feelings". However, it already appears that they are quite similar and if they are good enough for many other other cats this should not be too hard a decision.

As you are clearly struggling to achieve (you did far better when nagging me to be near the start line on time a few years ago.. :D ), we of course need a fair evaluation before any decision and on that note I'll publically commit to evaluating them before the Nationals.

Best, Richard