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Magazine and membership

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:50 pm
by Jim Coleman
Hello George Love
I am contacting you via the chat pages as I have not received the latest edition of the Sprint mag.
I tried to get into the members area to contact you from there but I wasn't able to get in there. There seems to be some problem with my membership registration. However I am able to log in to this site
Can someone help?


Jim Coleman

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:28 pm
by George Love
Hi Jim,
Sorry you didn't get the Mag. - we must sort that straightaway.
Send me an e-mail to: and copy it to :
If you provide your postal address, I'll get one in the post to you soonest and I'm sure Keith, our secretary will ensure all your relevant details are on the database.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:42 am
by Bob Carter
Hi guys,
Jim, just to explain our strategy:-
Anyone can access this website but only members of the Sprint 15 Association get the magazine and can take part in our events. Clearly you not getting a copy of the magazine is an error which hopefully the guys will sort out.
PS We also let anyone advertise their boats on this website free of charge provided that they agree to send us the contact details of the purchaser. We do this as we prefer to keep boats active and we proposition the buyers to join the Association. :wink:
PPS Only Sprint 15 Association members get £25 discount on their insurance when they insure with WHIC. Thus you are £15/year better off if you become a member and insure with WHIC. :D