Hi Bob
That's good enough for me!
Regarding my current club, I think you might have guessed that no, they don't allow me to sail my cat there, sadly, and are not likely to either. On the other hand they do seem to arrange excursions and cruises, even, at other locations where I can probably sail the cat, such as on the Welsh coast. Having been used to the challenge of 15 sailing, I've splashed out on an old RS300 to sail there. Well it's certainly a challenge..
Carsington was interesting yesterday. Race 1: lost a hatch and collected lots of extra ballast. Race 2: gusted on tacking and capsized, recovered and sailed the complete 5 laps only to be informed that I had been finished on lap 4 using 'average lap time' doh, I could have done with the rest! Race 3: powered up before going out on the wire and was savagely gusted whilst in the crouch. The result was I was thrown full length onto the sail (no damage to the sail, thankfully) but I did right the boat. Unfortunately I lacked the remaining strength to haul my bulk back onto the tramp.
I think I might be a little out of practice