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Eurocat 2014, Count Down, 6 days to go (European Champ)

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:29 pm
by Paul Craft
After speaking to a few people and looking at past posts about Eurocat there seems to be quite a bit of interest in attending this event in 2014.

Firstly Eurocat is the premier European cat event which lasts for 4 days normally around the first week end in May each year in Carnac France.

The following link gives a really good over view of the event. ... nue-guide/

The club website is

Having spoken to Brian he is willing to assist by coordinating with Carnac Yacht Club and by speaking to his French importer to see if he can generate some French entries, I have also spoken to Erling who has kindly offered to organise the summer traveller’s series in 2014 either side of the event so they do not clash and Nick was very enthusiastic having sailed there himself a few times.

We would sail in category C4 as unrig or C3 in Sport mode, if we can generate enough entries we might get our own start.

The idea at this stage is to generate some interest and if there is enough I will put together some packages to make organising the trip a lot easier and to enable it to be turned into a family holiday if required.
Nick has suggested if there is enough interest we could spend the remainder of the week exploring the area in our boats or land yachting.

If you are interested please let me know and I will start putting together an information pack and flyer.

Who wants to be the first European champ, I do not think we are allowed to call it this but we can think of something.



Re: Eurocat 2014 (European Champ)

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:32 pm
by simon
Hi Paul

I would be interested in the event, but would take a firmer decision nearer the time depending on work and finances.
Would love to be European Champ but dont think that likely but I can dream.

Spent a lot of time holidaying around the Carnac area, and have made use of the club, great sailing in the Bay of Quiberon although I have only seen it really rough on one occasion.
I know there are plenty of campsites in the area and some within 1/2 mile of the club.

Will watch this thread with interest

Simon 1970

Re: Eurocat 2014 (European Champ)

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:32 pm
by Paul Craft
Hi All

Just a quick update

There has been a very positive response to Eurocat 2014 with 8 sailors showing serious interest in attending and the offer of support and help in organising the trip.

With some interest now being shown we have been in contact with Yacht Club Carnac and have opened the discussion about Sprint 15's attending.

We have also made contact with a ferry company to see if we can obtain cheap ferry crossing with some sponsorship.

As soon as we have a response I will let you know.

Has anyone an idea for a class Trophy even if we do not get our own start.

If you’re interested let me know.


Re: Eurocat 2014 (European Champ)

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:53 pm
by Bob Carter
Paul Craft wrote:Hi All

Just a quick update

There has been a very positive response to Eurocat 2014 with 8 sailors showing serious interest in attending and the offer of support and help in organising the trip.

With some interest now being shown we have been in contact with Yacht Club Carnac and have opened the discussion about Sprint 15's attending.

We have also made contact with a ferry company to see if we can obtain cheap ferry crossing with some sponsorship.

As soon as we have a response I will let you know.

Has anyone an idea for a class Trophy even if we do not get our own start.

If you’re interested let me know.

Hi Paul,
It is a great idea. In the days when I could sail I always planned to give it a go sometime.
Putting your email address on a web site like this will attract tons of spam.
Better to ask people to contact you using the private messaging system on this website.
All they do is click on your name and then select the "send private message" option.

Re: Eurocat 2014 (European Champ)

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:22 pm
by Paul Craft
Hi Bob

Good call thanks for the advice,

Have you got any ideas for the event.



Re: Eurocat 2014 (European Champ)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:15 am
by Bob Carter
Paul Craft wrote:Hi Bob

Good call thanks for the advice,

Have you got any ideas for the event.


Hi Paul,
Yes - apart from doing the races at Carnac nearby is Le Golfe du Morbihan. This is a large enclosed inland sea which is ideal to explore in a catamaran. This would be an ideal way to spend a few days in a fun cruise with a few boats together. It is a big area. I have not been but some of the early Dart 15 newsletters had reports on it. The best one was in March 1989 which gave a good guide as well as a map. I'll make you a copy if you are interested.

Re: Eurocat 2014 (European Champ)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:27 am
by George Love
Hi Paul,
As Bob says, Carnac and surrounding area is a great place - great for the event and great for R&R after.
When my kids were younger we had eight family holidays on the trot taking the 15 with a Topper and surfboards on the top. Easy to get to, lots of things to do and the weather is usually pretty good as it picks up the high pressure which parks itself over Biscay for most of the summer.
I've got a good knowledge of the area if that info might be of use. The Golfe du Morbihan is a great stretch of water cut off from the Atlantic by a narrow channel - like a mini Med. but it's quite tidal. La Trinite sur Mer, next to Carnac has some great campsites and beaches and is home to many of the big ocean racing tri's.

Re: Eurocat 2014 (European Champ)

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:15 pm
by Thomas Sandal
I think it is a great idea and would definitely be interested.
It gives me one dilemme though, should I be representing Denmark or GB :D
Thomas, 1982

Re: Eurocat 2014 (European Champ)

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:34 pm
by Kevin Dutch
GB of course Thomas! :)

Re: Eurocat 2014 (European Champ)

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:21 pm
by Mark Aldridge

I'm interested - keep me posted..



Re: Eurocat 2014 Dates (European Champ)

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:30 pm
by Paul Craft

I have today received an email from Léonie LE CORRE at Yacth Club de Carnac confirming the dates for Eurocat 2014 : 1st May to 4th May.

These dates have been communicated to the ferry and travel companies to see if we can get any special rates.

Put the date in your diary and start planning.


PS. gutted I missed Seasalter it looked as usual like a great event and with wind

Re: Eurocat 2014 Dates (European Champ)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:17 pm
by Mark Aldridge
Paul Craft wrote: Put the date in your diary and start planning.

OK then dates in the diary so I hope it works out, then my plan is to take a port flyer and thrash the lot of you and the world (well Eurpoe anyway) will be mine!!

Re: Eurocat 2014 Dates (European Champ)

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:23 pm
by Robert
Hi Paul. Can you add me as a distinct possibility, please?

Re: Eurocat 2014 Dates (European Champ)

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:27 am
by Martin Searle
I have put up Paul's costings, outline plans etc on the website at:

Martin S.

Re: Eurocat 2014 Dates (European Champ)

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:11 pm
by simon
Hi Paul

What is the situation on obtaining entry forms and what category are sailing in please and is there any fun days/ trip around the bay for the fifteens.

Simon 1970