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Nationals and Association Membership

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 6:29 am
by DavidGroom
It appears that a numer of entrants for the Nationals are not Association Members. They will be contacted later on this week by me and advsed of this fact. They will be asked to either provide me details of when they paid or provide a cheque for thirty pounds in advance of the event. If they are not Members they cannot compete.

David Groom (Membership Secretary) 1714 Physical Graffiti

Re: Nationals and Association Membership

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:14 am
by Simon Giles
Trying to encourage both my children to helm the Sprint 15 at some events - do I have to purchase separate association membership for them ?

Re: Nationals and Association Membership

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:04 am
by DavidGroom

I would say no.

Thanks David Groom

Re: Nationals and Association Membership

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:39 pm
by Andymac
Hi David,

I've emailed you.

Andy Mc.

Re: Nationals and Association Membership

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:42 pm
by DavidGroom

As per my e mail I will enter latest SO payments that I have just received and then contact any apparent miscreants direct. I will confirm your status at that time and get George to send you a mag given we received payment you refer to.

David Groom

Re: Nationals and Association Membership

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:16 am
by DavidGroom
Association Membership Payment Update

Three of the seven naughty boys and girl from TBYC who are/were not Members of the Association have now sent me payment or clarified the situation and fleet captain Paul is still chasing the others using mild persuasion techniques. As the event draws nearer the emphasis will move from mild to persuasion so the Association thumbscrews are in the post.

See you all next Friday lunchtime David Groom (Secretary)