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Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:19 am
by Bob Carter
Any idea why Andymac is selling his boat :(
I do hope it just to buy a better Sprint 15........

Re: Andymac

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:53 pm
by Bob Carter
Anyone tried twisting his arm?
Our Carsington fleet needs keen members :?

Re: Andymac

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 1:33 pm
by Andymac
Hi Bob,

Thanks for enquiring.
This season, a number of reasons conspire to prevent me from sailing/campaigning my '15.
Not least the 'resting' of Carsington on the TT circuit, work commitments which clash with most of the other TT's and the change of date for the Nationals.
I wish I could afford to lay it up for a year or so and bring it out again when I'm able to play but...
I have thorougly enjoyed my 4 years getting to grips with the boat and am most impressed with the cameraderie and sportsmanship within the fleet.
I'm happy to report that I have probably found a buyer, and that the boat will be staying at Carsington.
For the time being, I will continue racing a Laser in the MIdland area and devote some time teaching my 2014 nationals crew, Robert to sail in an old Enterprise dinghy.
At some time in the future, I hope I can return to the '15 fleet older and wiser!
I will strongly recommend the new owner to subscribe to the class association and hope that they can put the boat to good use on the water where it belongs!
Andy Mc.

Re: Andymac

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:47 pm
by Bob Carter
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the explanation. It is good that the boat is to remain at Carsington.
(Carsington used to be one of our hot spots and we hope that one day it will be again).
Best of luck in the Laser and Enterprise and we hope to see you back sometime in the future.
Kind Regards