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Newsprint Spring 2015 Edition

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:58 pm
by George Love
Hi Folks,
The time is here when I turn my thoughts to the next edition of your favourite magazine. So I have been reviewing the material to put in the next issue.
Sad to say that, apart from a few things I have to hand (and others which I know I will receive in due course) which generally make up the regular features, I have little else! :(
At present I have barely enough to fill half a regular issue - rather disappointing.
May I therefore offer this plea for some new, fresh material from either regular contributors - you know who you are and we should all offer our grateful thanks for past contributions -or new wordsmiths among our vibrant and eclectic membership! Some ideas -
* what's happening at your club on the cat or S15 scene - club racing, training, events, fleet development, encouraging new members, youth section, etc., etc.
* any cruising news
* tips and tricks you'd like to share
* Anything funny or remotely libellous
* anything remotely cat sailing orientated
* opinions on anything to do with the Class
At the end of the day I can only publish what I get and just at the moment that's not a lot :!: It's your magazine and its continued life is in your hands. I love producing it as much as I love receiving the material.
Might some of you reading this be enticed to put pen to paper? I do hope so. And any article is much the better for a few pics. to go with it. The pics are just as important as the text to make a good article even better.
Standing by……

Re: Newsprint Spring 2015 Edition

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:18 am
by DavidGroom
Can I endorse publisher magnate George's comments. The Sprint magazine is fantastic due to its production and content. The one has to follow the other so please use the last few dark evenings to compose and submit info just showing how alive our class actually is.

david Groom 1714

Re: Newsprint Spring 2015 Edition

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:48 pm
by ian mills
George, one of our newer Seasalter members has just come back from a 2 day 1 on 1 training session with Alex at Windsport in sunny Cornwall. He had a great time and has put together a small overview on the SSC Website. I suspect with a bit of arm twisting he would put something together for you especially as he will be trying to put all the training into practice at the TT this coming weekend! If this would help I'll ask him .......

Re: Newsprint Spring 2015 Edition

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:06 pm
by George Love
Ian - brilliant idea!!
If you can persuade your member to do an article, there's a drink in it for you and him. ~If there's any pics. do go with it, I'll make it a double!
Please correspond further at :
Sorry I won't be at Seasalter this weekend - hope you all have great time.