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Keith Bartlett
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Latest magazine

Post by Keith Bartlett »

Congratulations to our mag editor Yvonne on producing a fantastic bumper Winter edition of our favourite mag. It dropped thru the letterbox yesterday am and has already been digested from cover to cover. It's a great showpiece for our Association. So once again, Well done Yvonne!
Season's greetings to you all.
Cheers Keith. Freddie 1962
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Re: Latest magazine

Post by Yvonne »

Thank you Keith for your excellent article! Feedback much appreciated :D

I hope everyone enjoys the read. Some particularly good photos inside too.

I'm already starting to collect for the Spring edition so please send me ideas for content...and photos....lots of photos!

Happy New Year!
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George Love
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Re: Latest magazine

Post by George Love »

Nice one, Yvonne 8) well done for another great issue :D
Happy New Year to you and all your readers.
George Love : Fly-by-Wire : 2019
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