One of our members lent me a double DVD of the above title. It was so good I bought one on e-bay from Mobilis Productions . Their website is but it is being revised at present - but gives contact e-mail addresses where you find find how to get it as there aren't any on e-bay that I can see.
About 5 hours of video and commentary. It is based on Tornados and F18s but is fantastic for cat sailing in general. Produced in 2004.
There are two DVDs included called 'initiation' and 'competition' - the latter features 4 world class crews with multiangle cameras and sound on board plus extended commentary from the crews (about 15-20 minutes for each boat).
The other DVD is a menu driven set of training explanations for just about every manoeuvre(?) you might need to make. It starts very basic but as you delve the menus you get more and more (they are hierarchical and this is not immediately apparent).
It was about ?40 and comes with french and English audio - you might find it under 'Le DVD du Catamaran de Sport' as the french title.
Do note though that they cover boat speed and sail handling rather than anything to do with 'tactics' against other competitors like shadowing and other nefarious but totally legal activities.
A bit late for Christmas but worth having - even to just watch big cats in action. If you want to have a quick look at it I am in Staplestreet, Hernhill and you could pop over sometime.