Are there any families camping on the Council car park next to TBSC boat park for the Nationals?
I'm hoping there'll be a few other children for Elenya (8yrs) to play with & perhaps we can try to arrange an "early" to bed early to rise corner so we don't wake (too early) those who will be consuming large amounts of liquid refreshment the previous evening.
I'm planning on taking garden / field games, like coits & rounders, also our bikes so we can venture down to Southend Pier.
Hoping (?!) team Sawford will be there & the Grub Guru-ettes, anyone else ?
Any other thoughts on amusements for those 3 days, ideally not involving too much talking about boats, fiddling with boats, talking more about boats, sitting in the bar drinking beer & talking about boats, watching boats go by, oh & did I mention talking about boats ? ! A tall order I realise !!