The UK Dart 15 Association

Sprint15 Sport nationals this weekend!!

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Brian Phipps
Posts: 279
Joined: Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:56 pm

Sprint15 Sport nationals this weekend!!

Post by Brian Phipps »

One of the Windsport technical support team with an event support trailer will be attending the Sprint15 sport Nationals this coming weekend. Any one attending or thinking of attending the Sport Nationals can pre-order replacement parts by ordering on-line from the Windsport catparts website and have their order delivered to the event saving delivery costs. The Windsport technical team will be on-hand during the event to talk through any on or off the water questions you may have and carry out / advise on any repair work you may require.
Pre-event orders need to arrive with Windsport.Catparts by Friday 7th May 10.00hrs.
Have a great sport nationals
Brian Windsport.
Kyle Stoneham
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Post by Kyle Stoneham »

Thanks for coming to Swanage Brian,

I have read a couple of threads about replacement parts & just wanted to briefly summarise my thoughts after what i have seen this weekend.

I didn't break anything on this occasion but it is reasuring having Windsport standing by to make sure we can all push our boats to the limit.

General boat maintenance is pretty good amongst the 15 fleet at the moment which makes for good racing, we realise you/Winsport must loose out financially by attending these events & I think it's important that people take time to consider the other costs that are 'behind the scenes' when looking at the price of a main sail for example - Cost to ship to the UK, Cash tied up in stock, minimum order quantities from the Philipines, Petrol from Cornwall to an event... the list goes on.

I think the retail price of a Hyde's mainsail is very reasonable and we should not be looking for cheaper alternative supply chain. At the end of the day, like any purchase it doesn't just come down to price, it's the service, convinience and quality that come into it too.

There are many other reasons too, such as the fact we are a production one design class, the sails must be cut identically, people must use the same equipment. I will leave it at that.
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