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Carsington TT Sat 5 February

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Re: Carsington TT Sat 5 February

Post by Leapy »

Living within 8 miles of Carsington the wind here has been gusting hard overnight -woken 3 times -but has just eased slightly but still far too strong for me

Have fun to all those taking part
Always sailing into the sunset
George Stephen
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Re: Carsington TT Sat 5 February

Post by George Stephen »


On behalf of Gordon and me, I regret that we won't make it to Carsington today.

In addition to the uncertainty of wind, one of my chidren - a nursing mum with 2 other toddlers - is not recovering from sickness. She and her family are moving house at the beginning of next week. She and her husband need my assistance.
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Re: Carsington TT Sat 5 February

Post by ray.gall »

My sincere thanks to all those travellers that arrived at Carsington this morning in the hope of competing in the third round of the Winter TT series.
As you know we postponed the start and inspected the race course at 11:15, where we measured 25 knots of breeze and 35+ knot gusts and with severe weather predicted to continue Ged Bellamy our RO and club management & I made a call on the grounds of safety to abandon, with hind sight, had we of delayed that inspection until after 12 mid-day we could have raced today. :(
Look forward to welcoming you all in back at Carsington in September.

We now look forward to Queen Mary in two weeks time, lets hope for some good racing conditions and give Gordon / race organisers a fantastic turnout, can we get 20 + boats there?

See you all at QMSC

Thanks agian

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Re: Carsington TT Sat 5 February

Post by Robert »

Yeah, but more importantly it was raining :lol: :lol: :lol:
Robert England
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Re: Carsington TT Sat 5 February

Post by Robert »

What Ray really means to say is that Carsington took pity on Draycote because a key member of their team had hurt his back (no questions allowed as to how this happened). It was therefore felt that since Draycote had no chance of winning today we should perhaps give them the chance of an overall draw if they can win the next two events. Chivalry or what?
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Re: Carsington TT Sat 5 February

Post by Gordon »

As Ray had said earlier, it looked as if Carsington were feted this year not to get the event off the ground, and with this week's weather, so it turned out to be.
But in sailing, you set a date and you have to hope the weather will play along. It's just the way it goes. This year's been more difficult than most.

But not to be deterred, we're off again in 2 weeks at Queen Mary and I hope, by now the weather's done it's worst and we can get on with things. Not many classes run a Winter Series, so let's get on with it.

Hope to see all my regular mates there, but any Sprint 15 sailors who want to come along are very welcome.
The Sprint 15 Winter Series continues at QueenMary SC on Saturday February 19th.

Mike Robertshaw
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Re: Carsington TT Sat 5 February

Post by Mike Robertshaw »

Hi all,
It was a shame about the racing on Saturday but thats sailing!
For those of us venturing out for a play we enjoyed it but racing would have been a whole different ball game, I admit to sailing into shelter before gybing (Coward!).

I noticed that there on the safety boat there was a photographer. Being a shy and retiring type I dont think I did any posing but if anypone knows where the photo's are likely to be posted I would like to check to make sure they are of my good side (some say my bum!). :shock:

I didn't manage to see the ace reporter in the clubhouse later so my appologies for not thanking him personally, I would like to offer belated thanks.
Thanks to Carsington for their hospitality, see you all soon.

Robin Newbold
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Re: Carsington TT Sat 5 February

Post by Robin Newbold »

It was Simon, he was filming too. Hopefully he got one of my capsize. I think I spent most of my time with both rudders out the water. With regards to gybing, the worst bit is the bear away from a beam reach, once you've got onto a broad reach, its easy from there. So wait till a gust just finishes, hike out to keep both hulls well in the water, sit back, sheet out and turn fairly sharpish.
Derek James
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Re: Carsington TT Sat 5 February

Post by Derek James »

Team Carsington ,
I enjoyed my trip to Carsington , the breakfast was good , the banter was entertaining and the fun sail was very enjoyable :!: Sprint 15's aren't meant to go with 2 fat boys on board but me and my crew ( Fat boy slim - FBS ) managed to blast around doing the wild thing . If there are any pic's , I would like to see how low we were in the water . Its surprising how much you can power up a sprint in sport mode with 2 on board . I was on the rear beam and FBS was hiking out fully . With 2 on board we managed to power up in the gusts and on a number of occasions buried the bows and held on until they popped back up . By my calculation its all to play for at Queen Mary's as Robin's double capsize equates to a moral victory for Draycote at Carsington :lol:
Just incase you doubted how windy it was on Saturday , checking my boat on Sunday I found my port shroud had failed and was just about ready to snap .
I noted that the DX boys stayed on the shore , probably too windy for them , what they need is a DX lite (4.7) . Hopefully we will have wind and weather when we go to QM's.
See you on the water
Derek & FBS
Derek ( Dray cat ) Sprint 1744
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