The class rules for National Championships say:
“5.3. A boat shall be allowed to race only if it satisfies the requirements for a valid Measurement
Certificate. Boats without cocktail cabinets in each hull shall carry correction weights.”
I am not sure why they should be just for the Nationals!
Our boat (2018) does not have correctors despite not having cocktail cabinets. After the Nationals we weighed it and found the hulls to be 29.82kg & 29.46kg.
My understanding was that the hulls need to add up to 66kg ( and therefore our boat should have 6.72kg of correctors. However, it also has a larger front beam which, at 6.98kg seems to be 1kg heavier generally than the little beams on the old boats. After a little deduction, I decided I needed to add 5.72kg of weight which I have done by fitting lead under the main hatch covers.
At the last 2 events, 2018 has been sailed by Erling (5th at Grafham) and Paul (1st at Stewartby). It has been sailed with the correctors fitted.
My question is, assuming the other new boats are similarly light, and for that matter considerably lighter than any previous Sprint 15s, are they also going to carry correctors (and not just at Nationals events) to ensure we maintain a 1 design class? Finally, although there is no specific rule, I think I should add that I feel boats with cocktail cabinets should also carry correctors if they are under 66kg.
Thoughts welcome and our apologies for sailing what appears to be an under weight boat at the 2016 Nationals,
Sean and Sophia
NB: There is a mention in the Rules Document:
"Allow front beam using the larger Dart 18 section front beam together with strengthened beam
sockets in the hulls and removal of the rigid inner mouldings of the cocktail cabinets replaced by
mesh bags below the hatch covers provided that the overall weight of the boat is unchanged."