The UK Dart 15 Association

WEIGHTGATE the questions the committee wont answer

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Able Seaman
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WEIGHTGATE the questions the committee wont answer

Post by stuartsnell »

I am not expecting sympathy, I am lucky to be one of the 6 who have a new Sprint 15. I do however think that the latest decision comes at too great a cost to the class.

• We have lost a very loyal chairman.
• We have lost our Southern Representative, who organised our trips to Carnac.
• We have lost our sponsor – Windsport
• In the long term there will be no spare parts.
• As a result of the committees decision 2 of the new boats are to withdraw from the Nationals and the circuit.
• No further new boats are likely to be sold – who will pay £11k to have a stone of lead added leaving it heavier than other 15 year old boats.

I wrote to the committee on the 5th February but as you can see, I am only an ‘able seaman’ and not worthy of a reply. Perhaps some of you who are of a more senior rank may be able to get answers to the following questions...

1) Bob has confirmed to me in writing that the Sprint 15 has NO minimum weight. How then can any boat be under weight?
2) Only the 6 new boats are to be penalised – at least two will then have an all up weight of 113kg. Bob has identified one old boat at 112kg,
1981 is recorded at 110kg and Kevin P’s boat comes out at around 107kg. Who knows how many others are lighter…
DON’T YOU FEEL GUILTY BOB for victimising 6 people?
3) The evidence collated for the graphs etc. are at the very least unscientific.
a. Boats have not been weighed on scales which are certified and or suitable for weighing catamarans.
b. They were not carried out by independent people.
c. 2 boats included in the calculations (Out of Africa boats) were sold to their owners in the knowledge that they were substandard and overweight and the price was reduced accordingly.
4) How can we put a boat on the stand at Dinghy exhibition that the committee say is out of class? This is dishonest.
5) As the decision of the committee has had a direct financial implication on the new boat owners, what compensation scheme has been put in place and how will it be funded?

If you have any queries on my questions please feel free to contact me at

Able Seaman
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Re: WEIGHTGATE the questions the committee wont answer

Post by Casper »

What a shame. All that effort to get the hulls rocking and rolling in the UK. My 1978 has had lots of repairs to bow and Skegness's so doesn't weigh what it did, but then again knot do I. Some 14 kg more than when I took k it up as a sport.
I think we should. It some slack to anyone willing to buy a new boat, which means they want to keep the fleet going. We will be seeing who sails in 7mm wet suits as supposed to shorts next ! Keep it fun me thinks, life is too short, or can be !
Kevin Parvin
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Re: WEIGHTGATE the questions the committee wont answer

Post by Kevin Parvin »

Blimey what a mess (of our own making)

"We have lost our sponsor"........ please explain.

I did wonder why Brian hadn't posted any response to the 'debate', disgusted I expect.

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Bob Carter
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Re: WEIGHTGATE the questions the committee wont answer

Post by Bob Carter »

Rule 10y says:
10y) Allow front beam using the larger Dart 18 section front beam together with strengthened beam sockets in the hulls and removal of the rigid inner mouldings of the cocktail cabinets replaced by mesh bags below the hatch covers provided that the overall weight of the boat is unchanged.

We are just trying to be fair to all sailors. There is no plan to make new boats heavier than old boats.