The UK Dart 15 Association

Dry suit repair

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Kevin Parvin
Posts: 134
Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:50 pm

Dry suit repair

Post by Kevin Parvin »

Any help or advice welcome regarding my drysuit.

I had a look at my drysuit today having not used it for over 12 months. I store it flat with the legs hanging off a shelf and the ‘3D’ latex feet dangling free, not touching anything.

There’s a natural crease on the sole of the latex foot but on storage the latex has split along the centre of the sole by about 3cm each foot.

Replacing drysuit latex feet is a pain of a job, I was thinking of trying a patch repair, like a puncture repair on a bicycle inner tube. I have some spare latex and ‘Aquasure’ type glue. Has anyone done a similar repair? Would it be best to patch from the inside of the foot?

It’s a good quality drysuit and little used, but I like to have it ready to go should I need it.
Any help gratefully received.

Jenny Ball
Posts: 403
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Re: Dry suit repair

Post by Jenny Ball »

Hi Kevin

Unfortunately, I have never tried this type of repair so can't offer any insight. The one time I had a "leaky foot" - I think I sent it away to have the foot replaced.

Hopefully someone else on here might have some experience or advice they can share.

Brian Phipps
Posts: 279
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Re: Dry suit repair

Post by Brian Phipps »

Using a puncture repair kit can certainly work on nicks etc but if the material has perished in the area you could be chasing your tail. Either way when storing drysuits seals need a good covering of talcum powder on inside and out to stop the rubber sweating.
Hope that helps
Kevin Parvin
Posts: 134
Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:50 pm

Re: Dry suit repair

Post by Kevin Parvin »

Thanks for the feedback, since posting I’ve found a local company that’ll replace the feet for £30.00.
But I’ll give the patch repair a go as the rest of the latex is in good condition.
I apply talc to the latex when I store the drysuit and may try stuffing the ‘3d’ feet with some socks to stop creases forming.
Probably better to store the drysuit at room temperature, I don’t think a cold garage over winter helped.

Chief Petty Officer
Chief Petty Officer
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Re: Dry suit repair

Post by Keith »

Hi Kevin
I have used a diving dry suit repair company who were good. Second time I sent dry suit in they worked out from the pressure test the suit was knackered - leaking through fabric :( , but got an extra 2 seasons.

Seaskin Drysuits <>

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