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Sad News

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Keith Bartlett
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Sad News

Post by Keith Bartlett »

I heard yesterday, that Alan Welman, a long time Dart 15 sailor had passed away on Christmas Eve.

Alan was one of the founding members of The Open Dinghy Club back in 1975. He initially sailed a self built marine ply Cat, then graduated to a 15 sometime in the 1980's. He was instrumental in getting me to join ODC in 2000, where we were both active members until the demise of ODC in 2016.

Alan frequently said that his best ever holiday was back in July 2019, where we joined a merry band of 15 sailors down at Windsport for a fun week of Sprint 15 sailing from Mylor. The weather was kind, the wind was just about right, and the beer was cool. What more could you want? To be in the company of some great 15 enthusiasts.

RIP Alan

Keith Bartlett
Brian Phipps
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Re: Sad News

Post by Brian Phipps »

Thx Keith, our condolences to Alan's family from Brian and Cookie. We remember that week of Sprint 15 sailing well, a great week with a great group of sailors.
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Re: Sad News

Post by Gordon »

Apologies, I've only just seen this.

This is really sad news. Alan was a great bloke, terrific sense of humour, always a pleasure to meet up and share a laugh, many happy memories.
I sailed with Alan for years, he always used to put me up (and Nick) at his home usually after too much enjoyment at the ODC barbecue when we sailed at ODC/Angmering.
He even sent me a Christmas card, didn't say how he was. Typical get on with it attitude.

A real loss, I'll miss him.

Paul Craft
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Re: Sad News

Post by Paul Craft »

This is very sad news, Alan got me into sailing Dart 15's (as it was then) by saying I need a Dart 15 and he had one for sale, 1325 I think, he then taught me to sail it and got me into going to events, he had a wicked sense of humour.

He was also a very, very good footballer and was offered to go professional at one time but stayed with engineering, he still played at a very good standard long after may half his age had quite.

The ply catamaran he had and still had last time I saw him was swift

RIP Alan
swift_cat__prout_photo.jpg (74.87 KiB) Viewed 31169 times
Keith Bartlett
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Re: Sad News

Post by Keith Bartlett »

Many thanks to Bob, Brian, Gordon and Paul for your kind responses.

Alan's funeral will be at 2.30 pm at Worthing Crematorium on Thurdsay 19th January.

I am hoping to write (with Alan's familiy's permission) an obituary to go in the Summer Dart 15 magazine.

Cheers Keith
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Bob Carter
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Re: Sad News

Post by Bob Carter »

Alan was a super guy and it is very sad to hear of his passing. It was as a result of Alan’s enthusiasm that we had the Open Dinghy Club on the Dart 15 traveller circuit and we were proud to have this venue in our programme. It was very amateur and very friendly and completely unlike any venue that the Dart 18s would visit. It was located on a small plot of land incongruously amongst large expensive luxury houses overlooking the beach at Angmering. Alan and his friends kept their caravans and dinghies (almost entirely ancient catamarans) where they mostly sailed for fun and seldom raced. It was almost totally devoid of facilities. They had no clubhouse, just a shed for changing and a small brick built s*** h**** (toilet), no hot showers, no kitchen, but they could buy refreshments from a public outdoor café where they served food from a caravan on the beach. There was, however, one vital piece of equipment – a powerful (almost lethal) electric winch to pull the boats up the steeply shelving pebble beach.
To the Dart 15s Alan was the Open Dinghy Club. We first went there in 1996 and Alan organised the event and personally paid for all the prizes. He talked his friend, Chris Rickard, who knew a bit about racing to be the Race Officer. Chris was aided by another of Alan’s friends (Peter Harewood) and together they ran the event from a boat which was not much more than a big rowing boat, but I think it might have had an outboard motor. After this the Open Dinghy Club became a regular TT venue until it’s sad demise, when the lease expired on the plot of land. The club and the people had a charm which was unique.
Alan had problems with his kidneys for many years even suffering from a failed transplant but he managed to fit in his sailing between his dialysis sessions. I believe he did eventually get a successful transplant. He was always cheerful and was a bit of a joker. I remember he liked to rib Gordon on potential health and safety issues at Gordon’s garage .
Alan was a genuine nice guy and our thoughts are with his family at their sad loss.
Corky the Cat
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Re: Sad News

Post by Corky the Cat »

I never visited ODC, principally because cars don’t suit. (They get in the way of my drinking arrangements). So unfortunately, I never met Alan.

Anyhow, it is good to hear from Bob, our revered Dart 15 sailor. We all miss you! It is nice that you visit the forum from time to time. Likewise Gordon Goldstone.
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