Welcome to the new Sprint 15 Chat pages.
I'm moving all the old messages across to this new forum software in an attempt to cut down on all the spam attacks that we were getting.
You'll need to register before you can post a message; at present you don't need to be a member of the Sprint 15 Association to join.
It might take a few days to get the new chat pages fully integrated into the website, so please bear with us if there are any teething difficulties
I've not created user accounts for all the old messages - that would have taken far too long, so I have imported them all as "Archive" user, and automatically added the original posters name to both the title and in the message - so it should be nice and clear who posted what.
You should find the new search engine is better than the old one, and I'll be turning on more features as things settle down.
And of course, email me if you have any problems registering or posting messages - lets see how long it takes Bob to break it