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Website re-design

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Martin Searle
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Website re-design

Post by Martin Searle »


I've been thinking about whether to look at re-designing this website to make it a bit more modern in its look although what it actually does is quite advanced still (esp. with events, results and competitor stats).

Thus are there any features that you would like to see added or removed from the site?

I am perhaps looking at just revamping the basic page layouts initially but all views welcome.

There is no timescale as such since I fit this in around all my other stuff at work and out of work.

Martin S.
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Post by Andrew Hannah »

Hi Martin,

It is good of you to consult the membership. For my part, I think the naval ranks which encouraged use of the chat pages, can now be changed or removed.

An idea of one's value to the class could be one's own personal ranking. I've attended few TTs and championships, so I'm almost worthless. But Bob would still be Admiral of the Fleet. Maybe other details could be added, eg being local class captain, membership of the committee, years of ownership, cruising exploits etc. Could be reviewed annually.
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Website Matters

Post by George Stephen »

Not having been to the Standard Nationals at Netley I missed the AGM. I know that Howard Hawkes is replacing/has replaced Gordon as Treasurer, but that fact, and possibly others, isn't yet reflected in the Contacts page.

Not all of us are computer geeks. I find my way around the site to what I want very easily (that's a compliment, Martin, and well deserved). Some cosmetic changes won't worry me, but I'd hate to have to learn a new way of getting around the site.

When the powers that be were trying to work out the overall Summer Series Results for the prizegiving at Grafham, it went somewhat awry.
One reason was that there was a misunderstanding as to how to calculate the overall results, as opposed to calculating the winners, if any, of the Unarig and 2up Fleet and the Sport Fleet trophies - now sorted.
The other reason was that no-one seemed to realise that you had put links in the online Series Results to switch between the Overall (Handicap) Results to Date and the Unarig and 2up Fleet and the Sport Fleet Results to Date which latter are the first to appear, in that order, when a user clicks on a link to the Series Results (to Date until Final). Had this been known, both sets of online Results pre-Grafham could have been printed off and brought to Grafham, and used separately for the required 3 different purposes - the series results could then have been quickly and accurately computed by hand - see below.
But perhaps what was obvious to me was not obvious to others, and they could use either a helping hand or they might prefer the online results to date to be set up differently.
Without a significant change in the online format of the Results to Date, I'd print the 3 tables of Results to Date "smaller" across the page and draw 2 extra columns to the right of each table; I'd enter the Grafham results in the Grafham column(s) and then do the necessary to calculate (allowing manually for any change in discards) final points totals for each entrant which can be entered into the first of the blank final pair of columns - easy then to see the low points order for final positions in the series and write the final positions in the last column, probably not in final result order from first downwards, but easy enough to see when you're only giving a few prizes.

Apologies for being so blunt online when I do so little for members of this Association when others give their time so generously. Also for being so abrupt at Grafham -I've seen the doctor today who has confirmed my worst suspicion as to why my feet have become painful over the last 20 days, and why they get more painful when I use them for walking. It'll be some time before they recover; I shall resist unnecessary walking, and no running, to speed recovery.
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Post by Gordon »


Just to let you know, Martin delayed changing over the Treasurer's contact details at my request because it takes a little while and quite a few bits of paper to be sent to the bank for this to actually change over.

I'm sure in a very short while this will be changed over and I'm sure Howard is looking forward to hearing all your financial queries!

ps. I really enjoyed Grafham (Saturday).

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Post by Mark Aldridge »

You deserve a bit of a fanfare Gordon - Good Job and good luck to Howard!
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Re: Website Matters

Post by Bob Carter »

[quote="George Stephen"]
When the powers that be were trying to work out the overall Summer Series Results for the prizegiving at Grafham, it went somewhat awry.
One reason was that there was a misunderstanding as to how to calculate the overall results, as opposed to calculating the winners, if any, of the Unarig and 2up Fleet and the Sport Fleet trophies - now sorted.
The other reason was that no-one seemed to realise that you had put links in the online Series Results to switch between the Overall (Handicap) Results to Date and the Unarig and 2up Fleet and the Sport Fleet Results to Date which latter are the first to appear, in that order, when a user clicks on a link to the Series Results (to Date until Final). Had this been known, both sets of online Results pre-Grafham could have been printed off and brought to Grafham, and used separately for the required 3 different purposes - the series results could then have been quickly and accurately computed by hand.
Hi guys
The cock-up at the prizegiving was entirely mine. I should have spent a bit more time on it. Having said that I had failed to note the facility to change to the handicap order on the website - it is much easier to reorder it before printing - I was using the fleets display. :roll:
I won't do that again.

On the general website design, like George I have got to know my way around it and find it easy to use. I think it remains one of the best websites in the sailing world. Having said that if you (Martin) think that there is a better/ more up to date way that the same info can be presented and that you want to experiment with then feel free to give it a try. People will soon complain if they don't like it. :wink:
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Post by Robert »

There is another very good website and here's an interesting page from it: ... =series_11
Nice one Martin! :D
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Re: Website Matters

Post by Robert »

Bob Carter wrote:People will soon complain if they don't like it. :wink:
Surely that can't be true, Bob? :wink:
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Post by Bob Carter »

Robert wrote:There is another very good website and here's an interesting page from it: ... =series_11
Nice one Martin! :D
Yes well spotted - but I see that the webmaster for Seasalter does not even get a place on the committee!
At least we are more democratic than that :lol:
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Post by Robert »

Quite right too! I like the new "Twitter" and "Facebook" buttons on our website. If you have an account on either of these social networking sites you just click on the relevant button where it appears on our site and the page you are looking at is automatically posted as an entry on your own page on the appropriate networking website. I tried it for the Grafham report and it works a treat! Presumably you have to be logged in to your networking site, but I'm not sure about that - perhaps Martin can enlighten us? Thanks anyway Martin! KULE. :D :D :D
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Martin Searle
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Post by Martin Searle »

Bob Carter wrote:
Robert wrote:There is another very good website and here's an interesting page from it: ... =series_11
Nice one Martin! :D
Yes well spotted - but I see that the webmaster for Seasalter does not even get a place on the committee!
At least we are more democratic than that :lol:
Ahh I specifically asked when I re-took over the webmasters job that I wouldn't be on the committee. So not their fault.

Martin S.
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Post by Martin Searle »

Robert wrote:Quite right too! I like the new "Twitter" and "Facebook" buttons on our website. If you have an account on either of these social networking sites you just click on the relevant button where it appears on our site and the page you are looking at is automatically posted as an entry on your own page on the appropriate networking website. I tried it for the Grafham report and it works a treat! Presumably you have to be logged in to your networking site, but I'm not sure about that - perhaps Martin can enlighten us? Thanks anyway Martin! KULE. :D :D :D
As far as I can work yes you need to be logged in to the social networking site, certainly with FB it works that way.

Martin S.
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Seasalter website

Post by Steve Willis »

Yes Martin's efforts have given SSC a brilliant website.

He has taken over all the results work from me and his analysis tables are well watched - especially by our pot hunters.

The site has been a source for a number of new members to the club - especially those moving into the area.

With regard to this site I see little need for any dramatic revamp - it is easy to use and clear. This winter I aim to get on with a boat database as was suggested a couple of months ago and perhaps some of that might be included in the members' area.

Thanks for all your work on both websites Martin.

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ranks on website

Post by Steve Willis »

I also belong to a Land Rover owners forum and recently they have revamped the forum to include ranks. As a Chartered Engineer with over 40 years experience I was a little peeved to now be ranked as an 'Apprentice' because of my low number of postings.

Conversely a young lad of 18, who has had no end of problems with his old LR, has posted hundreds of messages asking for advice (like the saga of his 6 carburettors that all seemed to have problems !!!!!) - he is now ranked as an 'Engineer'. Last week he asked, tongue in cheek, if he could instead be ranked 'Carbuettor Specialist' - ribaldry followed quickly.

Its a bit of fun but beside our 'rank' we have 'avatars' - pictures of either our LR or something else of our choice (loaded into our personal profile as a small picture). For example Big Sandy has a picture of Donald Sutherland in his tank helmet in that old comedy film Kelly's Heroes.

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Post by Liam »

I would be interested to know how you get the stats onto the web site.

I didn't want to go through the palaver of using Sailwave and FTP for each race so I wrote my own system that puts the data straight onto a MySQL database. All the maths are done by the server.

It seemed to survive a season's racing without breaking.

How does it get done on this site?
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