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Eurocat 2014, Count Down, 6 days to go (European Champ)

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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by Robert »

16 and counting.
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by simon »

Has anyone tried paying there entry fee yet.

Ive tried by bank tranfer, but there is no account name to pay into, is it to be paid in sterling or euros (guessing it would be euros) and I tried emailing the club but had no reply.

If anyone has the answer please let me know.

Simon 1970

PS In the information on the chat page it says that we are sailing in C3 yet on page 2 of the thread it says we sail in C4, can you confirm which it is please.
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by George Love »

I shall be telephoning the yacht club tomorrow by arrangement to speak with them about entry forms, fees, etc.
I shall post info. If any use after that.
I've sent my entry so should know after I've spoken to them tomorrow if it's been successfully received.
Watch this space
George Love : Fly-by-Wire : 2019
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by Robert »

Item Price Qty Subtotal
Pains Wessex Red Hand Flare
Pt. No.: PW52900
£ 9.26 3 £ 27.78
Delivery Quote
Total £ 27.78

Just ordered three red hand held flares from Pinnell and Bax. £27.78! Even better they're post free, which they do at this time of year :D . Other companies are charging £15 to £20 for postage, so if you need some, this may be worth a look. ... &uid=36248
Robert England
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by Robert »

Pinnell and Bax are reporting out of stock at the moment but they should have them inside two weeks. If you have a local chandler this could be a good idea but don't leave it too long in case they also have to restock.
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by simon »

Hi all

Have had a reply from Carnac Yacht Club, hope this helps others.

Hello ,

Welcome to Yacht Club de Carnac for EUROCAT 2014.

To register sprint 15 to Eurocat, thanks to complete and send by email the entry form : ... ourse.html

For all documents (insurance, medical, paper boats…) just present them at registration.

For the payment : to simplify, it will be possible for you to pay at registration by cash or credit card, it’s not a problem.

Don’t forget to complete on the entry form for the diner.

Thanks to transfer these informations all Sprint 15’s boats.

Many thanks to come and see you next to Carnac.

Best regards.



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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by caracolito »

french federation has updated the ratings tonigh

for sprint/dart15/spark, new ratings are:

DART SPRINT 15 DX 1,206 C3


So according your sail configuration you also have the answer for the previous question about C3 vs C4

For flares generally you can by some when checking registration at the club (around 10€)
Don't forget that flares are not allowed when travelling with the shuttle
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by Robert »

Robert wrote:Item Price Qty Subtotal
Pains Wessex Red Hand Flare
Pt. No.: PW52900
£ 9.26 3 £ 27.78
Delivery Quote
Total £ 27.78

Just ordered three red hand held flares from Pinnell and Bax. £27.78! Even better they're post free, which they do at this time of year :D . Other companies are charging £15 to £20 for postage, so if you need some, this may be worth a look. ... &uid=36248
Cancelled this order as they decided that courier delivery was required @ £8.95. Buying at Carnac.
Robert England
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by Paul Craft »


Entry forms sent for the Races and Long Distance Race in C4 also the dinner as well

Just the other bits to sort out now.

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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by Robert »

Entered: C4, races, long distance, dinner. :D :D :D
Robert England
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by Paul Craft »


We now have 17 people signed up which is great news.

Jon Pearse has produced some polo shirts for the event and Gordon is sourcing a trophy.

Does any one else fancy joining, if so I'm sure we can find people to double up with for boats and accommodation.


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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by caracolito »

hey guys, you are the new stars...see ... arnac.html

here a cut and paste cause the news should stay only 24H
De nouveaux venus à Carnac

EuroCat / vendredi 04 avril 2014

L’Eurocat est le rassemblement de tous les passionnés de catamaran, qu’ils soient amateurs éclairés ou professionnels de la discipline. Tous se retrouveront, pendant 4 jours, pour une épreuve alliant parcours techniques et épreuve de longue distance. Cette année des nouveaux venus sont attendus comme les Dart Sprint 15 et les Flying Phantom. Le Yacht Club de Carnac s’attend à accueillir près de 200 équipages du 1er au 4 mai. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes depuis quelques jours maintenant, et le secrétariat de la régate a déjà reçu les inscriptions d’une trentaine de coureurs. Parmi eux des petits nouveaux font leur apparition. Quinze Dart Sprint 15 anglais viennent pour la 1ère fois à l’Eurocat. Cette année encore, la Fédération Française de Voile a désigné l’Eurocat comme épreuve support du Championnat de France Promotion Intersérie.
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update (European Champ)

Post by Paul Craft »

And here it is translated

The Eurocat is gathering all passionate catamaran, whether amateurs or professional discipline. All will meet for 4 days, for an event that combines technical courses and long distance event. This year entrants are expected as the Dart 15 and Sprint Flying Phantom. The Yacht Club de Carnac expects to welcome nearly 200 crews from 1 to 4 May Registration is open for a few days now, and the secretariat of the regatta has already received entries from thirty riders. Among them new small make their appearance. Fifteen Dart Sprint 15 English come for the first time at the Eurocat. This year, the French Sailing Federation has designated as support Eurocat Championship France Promotion Interserie test.
Paul Craft
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update Great News (European Champ)

Post by Paul Craft »


We have recived an email from Yatch Club de Carnac, see below


A good news for EUROCAT 2014 to Yacht Club de Carnac :

Entry fees for Eurocat will be 100 euros for lonely boats and not 165 euros for long distance and races.

Don’t forget to come with :

Insurance attestation

Doctor’s certificate

See you next at Carnac

Best regards.
Paul Craft
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Re: Eurocat 2014 Update, Great News, (European Champ)

Post by Paul Craft »

Time is now counting down and this is the last weekend to get the boat ready and loaded.

There is still time to enter as racing does not start until Wednesday the 1 May, so this weekend you could load the boat, book a ferry and join the other 18 boats taking part.

If you are thinking about it, give me a call and I can talk you through how easy it is, you can now even register on line or on the day.

If you are going and have or can get hold of a GoPro can you take it with you as I’m going to try and twist someone’s arm to combine all the footage into a promotional 3 to 5 min video of the event and a longer version for those taking part.

Event schedule:

Wednesday 30th April :
18h00 to 22h00 Entry confirmation for races and long distance.

Thursday 1st May :
09h00 to 11h00 Entry confirmation for races and long distance.
11h00 Briefing for technical commission (with Class representatives)
13h00 Briefing for competitors
15h00 1st warning signal for race(s)
15h00 to 17h30 Entry confirmation for long distance
19h00 Open ceremony

Friday 2nd May :
08h00 Briefing for technical commission (with Class representatives)
09h00 Briefing with distribution of specific instructions if long distance
11h00 1st Warning signal for race(s) or long distance
19h30 “Galettes and Crêpes” Party

Saturday 3rd May
08h00 Briefing for technical commission (with Class representatives)
09h00 Briefing with distribution of specific instructions if long distance
11h00 1st Warning signal for race(s) or long distance

Sunday 4th May
08h00 Briefing for technical commission (with Class representatives)
08h30 Briefing for competitors
10h00 1st Warning signal for race(s)
No warning signal after 13h00

6 Days to go and counting.

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