Let the traveller right out. As the boat speed increases either pull in the traveller to take account of the apparent wind shifting or bear away to come up again in the next lull. Remember that bearing away may mean further to go. |
Keep the mainsheet taut across the wind and adjust the sail with the traveller. For broad reaches and deeper, let the main out and bear away in the gusts. |
Adjust your weight forward so that the lee bow is down and the boat appears to be going downhill. As the boat accelerates ease your weight back so that the bow does not bury. You need to move with every lull, gust and shift. |
When sailing for the wing mark don't be tempted to sail too high early in the leg. You seem to go much faster than the rest but then slow down to a crawl as you head downwind to the mark. |
If you are out in front, head straight for the mark and don't look back. |
Learn to recognise a stalled sail. As the boat accelerates away from the mark and the apparent wind moves forward you sheet in : if the boat is slowed in a lull with the main sheeted in the sail will stall. To remedy this, it is necessary to let the sheet out until the boat accelerates again. |
When reaching, keep the top woolies streaming. If the windward woolies lift, pull the sheet in. If the leeward ones lift then let the sheet out. |
When heading downwind it does not always pay to tack, especially when una-rigged in light conditions : you need a lot of extra speed to make up for the additional distance sailed in tacks. Keep the weight well forward but be ready to move back quickly if the bows start to bury. |
Gybe on the windshifts downwind. You don't loose much speed or distance in a gybe and the gains made can be useful |