We hope to start the weekend off on Saturday around 11.00-11.30AM by lining up all the boats, and going round as a group checking that they are rigged correctly (we call this the Tyre kicking session).
We will then move onto the water and set a very short three mark course with one lap only, the starting sequence will be a simple 3min 2min 1min Go!!, the legs will include;
1. Beat (sailing upwind, tacking)
2. Reach (sailing 90 deg to the wind)
3. Run (sailing downwind, gybing).
We intend to sail as many of these courses as possible, as it helps to keep the fleet together and stop the good guys sailing off into the distance. There will be instructors on the water helping and advising you how to get by the guy in front (most important).
Before the end of the day we will come ashore, and go through a dry capsize (on land), then take to the water for one last time so that every one can practice the art of capsizing without getting knackered.
The next day will be similar but the courses will include more marks, they will still be short and maybe 1 or 2 laps in length. If there is time we would like to introduce the art of sprinting for those that wish to know how.
Then we will retire to the clubhouse for Nick Dewhirst's infamous spoon and knife race, this is a great game played on a large table and brings in lots of sailing rules and protests.
We hope to finish the day around 3.00-4.00 PM to allow you all time to get de rigged and depart for home.
The clubhouse will be open from 9.00AM onwards on Saturday morning. There will be a galley open for food and drinks all day, Sat & Sun. On Saturday evening we will hold some sort of function (probably a Bar-B-Q).
The cost for the full the weekend will be £20 or £10 for a single day, the course will be run according to the RYA syllabus. It may be possible for persons attending the full weekend to receive an RYA certificate.
For anyone that needs any spares or parts we do have a local chandler, he will be on site all weekend but if you know you need a part to keep your dart running it may be worth a call before hand to check he has it on his van, his name is Fred from DB Boatbits Tel No 01582 599316, email sales@dbboatbits.com.
With regards to places to stay overnight, there is a Travelodge just down the road at Marston Moretain Tel No 01234 766755.
Aldermans B&B Marston Moretain Tel 01234 768584
The Coach House B&B Marston Mortaine Tel 01234 767794
There is plenty of grass for camping and hardstanding areas for caravans and cars.
If anyone needs anymore information please do not hesitate to contact me on 07711 532973 or email shrimpo@tinyworld.co.uk.
We look forward to seeing you all
Graham Shrimpton "Hit the wire" 1595
The Club is located 10 mins off junc 13 M1 on the A421 towards Bedford. To get there from the North, West or South take the M1 to junction 13 and travel in the Bedford direction on the A421 for about 3 miles. The Lake is situated on the right (South) side of the A421 just hidden from view with bushes,etc. Turn right where sign posted. The entrance to the club is half a mile down the side road on the right. From the A1 and Bedford direction, head for Kempston and take the A421 West in the direction of the M1 and Woburn. Look for Stewartby on your left but DO NOT follow the first left sign to Stewartby but take the second left which is the direct route to the sailing club.